Chiropractic Care for Concussions: A Holistic Approach to Recovery and Rehabilitation

Understanding Concussion and Whiplash

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a blow or jolt to the head. Symptoms can range from headaches and dizziness to cognitive disturbances and emotional changes. Whiplash is a neck injury resulting from a sudden jerking motion, often seen in car accidents. Common symptoms of whiplash include neck pain, stiffness, and restricted range of motion. Whiplash can also affect balance and a sense of ‘self in world’ and can be experienced as dizziness or vertigo.

It’s not only concussions that affect the brain, whiplash can do this too, as well as primarily impacting the musculoskeletal system of the neck and spine. Not surprisingly, these two conditions frequently occur together, as the force of impact that causes whiplash can also cause concussive forces to the brain. As a result, an integrated treatment approach is essential to address the full scope of the patient's condition.

Chiropractic Neurorehabilitation: A Synergistic Approach

Chiropractic care focuses on restoring the structural integrity of the spine and nervous system. Chiropractors use spinal adjustments and manual therapy to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall neuromuscular function. However, when dealing with complex injuries like concussions and whiplash, Chiropractic care alone may not be sufficient.

This is where neurorehabilitation comes into play. Chiropractic Neurorehabilitation involves therapeutic exercises and cognitive training designed to restore brain function and promote neuroplasticity to help the body relearn back to a neutral healthy state. By combining chiropractic adjustments with neurorehabilitation techniques, patients benefit from a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses both the structural and functional aspects of their injuries.

Key Components of the Integrated Approach

  1. Spinal Adjustments and Soft Tissue Therapy Chiropractic adjustments help correct misalignments in the cervical spine that result from whiplash. This reduces pressure on nerves and promotes better communication between the brain and the rest of the body. Soft tissue therapies, such as myofascial release and trigger point therapy, can also alleviate muscle tightness and pain.

  2. Vestibular Rehabilitation Vestibular rehabilitation is a specialized form of neurorehabilitation that addresses dizziness, balance problems, and coordination issues caused by concussion and whiplash. Exercises to improve gaze stabilization, balance, and spatial orientation help retrain the brain to process sensory information correctly.

  3. Cognitive Rehabilitation Cognitive symptoms such as memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and slowed thinking are common in concussion patients. Cognitive rehabilitation helps patients regain mental sharpness through targeted exercises that challenge memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities.

  4. Postural and Ergonomic Training Proper posture is essential for spinal health and recovery from concussion and whiplash. Chiropractic care can help correct posture through spinal adjustments, while neurorehabilitation includes postural retraining exercises. Patients are also educated on ergonomics and body mechanics to prevent future injuries.

  5. Sensory Integration Therapy For patients experiencing sensory disturbances (e.g., sensitivity to light or noise), sensory integration therapy can help desensitise the brain to these stimuli. This therapy is particularly useful for concussion patients with persistent post-concussion symptoms.

  6. Functional Medicine Support For some patients, assisting the body’s physiology can help improve their recovery. Whilst a cornerstone of health includes a broad based low inflammatory diet, people who are suffering from a concussion or whiplash may need a diet higher in protein and quality fats. They may also benefit from natural medicine support like specific amino acids, and other functional medicine support.

Benefits of an Integrated Approach

The integrated approach to managing concussion and whiplash offers several advantages:

  • Holistic Care: By addressing both the neurological and musculoskeletal components of the injury, this approach ensures that no aspect of the patient’s condition is overlooked.

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Each patient’s symptoms and recovery progress are unique. Integrating chiropractic care with neurorehabilitation allows for a more personalised and adaptive treatment plan.

  • Faster Recovery: Combining these therapies can accelerate recovery by simultaneously improving brain function and physical health.

  • Long-term Symptom Relief: Treating the root cause of symptoms through an integrated approach helps prevent chronic issues such as persistent pain or cognitive deficits.


Concussions and whiplash require a multifaceted treatment strategy to ensure optimal recovery. By combining Chiropractic care with neurorehabilitation, healthcare professionals can provide a comprehensive, patient-centered approach that addresses both the physical and cognitive challenges posed by these injuries. This integrated model not only enhances recovery but also supports long-term well-being, helping patients regain functionality and quality of life.

This article outlines how a holistic, combined approach can effectively address both the neurological and musculoskeletal aspects of concussion and whiplash, making it a valuable read for patients and healthcare professionals alike.

Restore your balance

My Balance Matters is a neuro wellness clinic with a special interest in balance. We aim to improve your overall health and well-being using a holistic lifestyle medicine approach.   By integrating brain, body and environmental support, we help you to restore certainty and reach your full potential.