
Our treatments are safe, suitable, and effective for people of all ages. Based on the patient’s results and progression, treatments will advance correspondingly in each subsequent consultation.


  • Free strategy call – up to 15mins

Standard Chiropractic Sessions

  • Initial musculoskeletal – up to 45mins 

  • Review (short session) musculoskeletal – up to 15mins 

Neuro Rehabilitation Chiropractic Sessions

  • Initial neuro rehabilitation chiropractic service – up to 90mins 

  • Review (long session) neuro + musculoskeletal – up to 30mins 

Health and Wellness Coaching

  • In person or virtual health coaching – up to 60mins

Restore your balance

My Balance Matters is a neuro wellness clinic with a special interest in balance. We aim to improve your overall health and well-being using a holistic lifestyle medicine approach.   By integrating brain, body and environmental support, we help you to restore certainty and reach your full potential.